Crimson has been deployed to conduct a crisis management exercise on two separate operations and maintenance sites, 12 miles apart: the first covers 250 miles of pipelines with 60 or so stations and a 24/7 operations centre; the second holds a Telecom building, it is entirely fenced with sensors (access control, intrusion detection and videosurveillance). The PSIM solution has made it possible to qualify incidents occurring simultaneously on both sites subject to terrorist attacks, and to share situational awareness across sites between fixed and mobile operators.
Crimson for planning and managing complex industrial operations and protecting industrial infrastructures
The Crimson solution is a unique Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) platform for industrial sites, which integrates the technical supervision of systems as well as the monitoring and management of manufacturing, maintenance and surveillance operations.
Plant sites known as "Operators of Vital Importance" (OIV), in particular SEVESO sites, play a critical role in national security in terms of protection against safety risks (natural, technological, health-related…) and security risks (terrorism, sabotage, etc.). The new European REC Directive (2022/2557) requires them to take appropriate and proportionate technical, security and organisational measures to ensure their resilience in the event of a crisis.
The Crimson solution offers a well-adapted tool to prevent incidents from occurring, respond to, resist and mitigate the consequences of incidents.

DESFA: multi-site safety and security management

Orano Tricastin: crisis management
To roll out its safety and security crisis management exercises, Orano has used the collaborative software solution Crimson. The operational goal was to test and validate the alerting and communication chain in the whole decision-making process, the coordination of the first responders and crisis units towards more efficient crisis management.

Géométhane: Site supervision and incident management training
The Crimson platform enables stakeholders to centralise and share situational information: the command post (CP) coordinates the ground units, including the mobile CPs across all affected areas. Using their mobile devices, the safety officers have pushed information from the ground up and integrated the geolocated incidents into the tactical situation. The action logging and replay functionalities makes it possible, afterwards, for all professional services to debrief and validate the procedure, means, and expertises in high-risk industrial sites.
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Aquaserv: site monitoring and protection
The system is also used to train operators using incident scenario combining both physical and cyber tampering in the AQS facilities, at the point of entry and in the treatment plant.
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